Increase Success in Acquisitions
Taylor has a proven track record of producing exceptional results for our acquisition clients.
We are committed to executing only the most synergistic acquisitions and, as a result, the overwhelming majority of our transactions are successful long term.
Further, we often recommend against our clients’ preferred target because the transaction lacks sufficient synergies to be successful.
Properly Identify, Quantify, and Execute Synergies
When requested by a client, Taylor determines the entire range of synergistic and compatible acquisition targets.
We accurately identify and value all synergies in a transaction to ensure competitive bidding without overpaying.
Our knowledge of the synergies gives us a clear understanding of the potential full value of a target as a basis for framing an appropriate bid.
Persuade Hard-to-Attain Targets to Sell
Most companies Taylor acquires for its clients were not previously for sale and our clients’ have often made failed acquisition attempts before engaging us on a transaction.
Taylor has unique skills and expertise that enable us to break through challenging obstacles where other firms cannot.
A significant portion of the off-market targets we meet with on behalf of our clients ultimately agree to sell.